Contact Information
Leys Road, Brierley Hill
9AM - 5PM
Points, Light Contact, Kick Light
Full Contact, K1
Kata, Forms, Kumite
Online entry by
pre-registration only
A professional martial arts association developed for the mat and ring sports of freestyle kickboxing and karate providing hassle free membership, licensing, insurance, and event management services for schools, instructors, and students across the UK
Find out more about joining WKU EnglandWhen you join Kwon Martial Arts, you can be safe in the knowledge that you are part of a huge worldwide community of martial arts academies spanning from the UK to the USA and all around the globe.
Kwon Martial Arts have membership, licensing, and support for academies in all corners of the country. We are a reputable and well-established organisation boasting attractive fees, modern methods, and excellent marketing strategies. Our member schools enjoy limited interference with friendly ongoing help and support.
Martial arts insurance and licensing for schools, instructors, students, and also independant competitors
National recognised grading with the freedom to grade your own students and optional printed certificates
National and international tournaments, annual 7-day televised World Championship attended by 40+ nations
Kwon Sport Martial Arts can help students and schools with licensing and insurance for instructors, members, and competitive fighters. We are equipped with the experience and technology to help your club attract new members and organise them with ease. We can also license independant students for our championships and tournaments.